With a sense of adventure and an open mind, travelers Erin and Melissa set out for Mozambique. What they discovered was a country filled with Mo-tuktuks, Mo-fabrics, and Mo-smiles than they could have ever imagined...
(Trouble viewing video? Watch HERE)
And that was all the Mo reason for them to share a taste of Mozambique with you too...

(Mozambique Tote by Erin Bullington)

(Mozambique Tote by Melissa Erikson)
Plus a few other totes made of fabrics found by travelers like you—because when it comes to connecting the world through its fabrics, the Mo-the-merrier!

(Indonesia Tote by Jordyn Ryan)

(Israel Tote by Hannah Silver)

(Spain Tote by Alexandra Blanter)

(Taiwan Tote by Janine Queenin)
Here's to a country that has Mo than meets the eye, and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
Jack & Alley, Co-Founders