A loan helped a member to buy different color threads for her crafts business.
Grupo Las Vecinas Group's story
Juana, 25, is married and has a daughter, 7. (She is pictured standing between the other two women in the photo.) Juana and her lovely family live in the small rural town of Auxiliar. She started her business in the hope that she would earn enough to help her family move ahead in the world. She hit on making and selling traditional clothing and 8 years on, she's still going strong. Juana and the others in her group are applying for a loan that she will use to buy different colors and styles of thread for making clothing. The investment will allow her to attract more customers. For the future, Juana's goals are a better quality of life and a shop of her own.
In this group: Juana Sabina, Catarina, Julia Vidal