Seeing Both Maasai'des

Seeing Both Maasai'des

Feel Good Friday

Traveler Steve finds that visiting friends is the best way to experience local life in a new place. In southern Kenya, his friendship with a Maasai chief opened the door to a warm and welcoming community…

And the exchange goes both ways. After visiting chief Joseph to learn about life in Kenya, Steve turned the tables—inviting the chief and his wife to come learn about life in the US too.

In the spirit of spreading this colorful cultural exchange…


Steve and the chief set their Maasai’ghts on bringing back a traditional Maasai fabric to open the door to you too.

Here's to seeing both Maasai'des and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

P.S. There’s still time to order totes for Christmas. Delivery time calculated for your address at checkout.

P.P.S. Plus a few more fabrics found by travelers who set their Maasai'ghts on other cultures…


(Find fabric on your next trip)

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