Valentine’s day is all about love, including loving those near to you and also those furthest from you.
When you give a
Taaluma gift card, you send love to the person receiving the gift and also to communities all around the world.
Like for Jorge from Ecuador.
Some say "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."
Well, what if they already know how to fish but can't afford the supplies they need to fish?
Jorge owns a fishing business in Ecuador selling his catch to restaurants and stores. He wanted to expand his operations to another district but couldn’t afford to buy all new supplies. So we gave him a microloan to buy everything he needed to expand his business and supply fish to another area.

Or for Ruth from Kenya.
Every day, three times a day, someone is thankful for Ruth for supplying food for them to eat.
We gave Ruth a microloan to buy seeds for her farm and solar lanterns for her house. The seeds will be planted to increase her production of corn, thus increasing her income and supplying more food to the local area. And the solar lanterns will be used to replace kerosene lanterns (which are a fire hazard and bad for human and environmental health) since there is no electricity in most of the farming villages in Kenya.

When you support Taaluma, you make stories like these come true <3 Let’s keep the love coming.
Here’s to sending love near & far and to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.
-the Taaluma Team